Sunday 2nd September | Written by Matthew Button

Baggage packing / weighing and labelling was a surprisingly straightforward affair thanks to careful preplanning by our baggage team. Meeting time was set at 3pm and most were on time! The process was complete within 2 hours with bags and rifle boxes stowed ready for an early departure tomorrow.

Dinner was again hosted by Ali at Hogleas who concocted a curry for some whilst others chose a pizza delivery – most of whom regretted missing the curry after hearing the reviews. Charlie then explained that diary duties would be delegated, and suggested a quote of the day award. Ed wins the first award with a response of “yes” an a follow up of “well one is inside the other” on being asked if carrying one or two bags onto the ‘plane. Since Pete had provided labels for a second bag we didn’t find out what the importance of the question was in the first place. A dubious agreement by some to provide Whisky led to much added merriment, but less of an early night than intended. We were then treated to a list of potential fines for misdemeanours on tour from Alex, including £1 per minute for lateness (after the first 5 minutes of the first offence).

Day 0 – Packing

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