Monday 9th September | Written by Ed Welford

After a fantastic dinner, some of us joined the Americans at the Eagle’s Nest for a Cornhole match. Despite being new to the game we more than held our own. Once Dave and Alex progressed to the centre stage, they took on Seth and Zack. In the first match they were at one stage 19-0 down but came back to win! Next they played Verne and Brian and at one point were 17-0 down, the match went on for a while with a number of nail-biting passages of play, and was eventually 20-20, but unfortunately Dave and Alex were pipped by the experts. We had a great evening and a fun introduction to a game that may well feature in a Bisley clubhouse near you in the near future.

This morning we had our usual early start and headed to the range for Colours. Unfortunately Charlie realised he had forgotten his elbow pads and shooting top so had to race back to the accommodation. The things he had left were conveniently located on his balcony so he picked them up without leaving the car!

Jon Underwood continued to shoot exceptionally well and split the golf tee that was used to mark his target at 300 yards!

At one point this morning, Reg decided to head to the next range but drove off leaving his boot open with three rifles in the back.

Keisha had a good day’s shooting with her newly cleaned and fixed rifle – many thanks to Jon Cload and Pete for their help.

Whilst Alex was in the pits, an American NRT shooter on the target he was marking fired into the mantlet, causing debris to fly up. This certainly woke Alex up!

In the afternoon, there was a smattering of rain and a bit of thunder and lightning for our long range shoots. One relay had a particularly tough patch of wind to contend with and scores were reflective of this.

Once again the England Crowns team showed their supremacy and finished the day in first place 17 points and 24 x’s ahead of the next best team (Results).

Some of the team headed out to dinner in Raton and others opted to have a quiet night prior to tomorrow’s individual shoots.

Day 8 – Crowns lead the way

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