Tuesday 10th September | Written by Ed Feast

The day started with some signs that the early mornings might be beginning to make their mark, though certainly not helped today with the cacophony of Deer and coyotes, breaking the silence of the small hours. Ian Ashworth demonstrated the results perfectly with an enthusiastic exit from his vehicle ready for the day, but forgetting to be aware of his surroundings and almost opening his door into another car! An appropriate fine was applied for this misdemeanour.

As the day dawned and hats were donned ahead of the first detail after the daily Colours ceremony, the weather began to show its hand, dust devils and rain came at random intervals with one particular deluge observed at lunch time making quite the spectacle, so much so that a member of the Scottish team was spotted wearing a full length poncho! So much for it staying dry as we had been informed.

In other news, Keisha displayed her impressive fighting skills, managing to fend off an entire swarm of flies down the pits. Ed Feast and Jonathan Cload were presented with their first shattered remains of a Golf-Tee of the meeting and Rob Edwards busied himself forcing elderly people to crawl a gauntlet under a pickup truck in search of his misplaced water bottle, for shame!

In terms of shooting, the competition was as tough as ever with many people putting in some fantastic scores, notably, Pete Holden who went clean throughout the day in some very challenging conditions to post a 450.29, beating off all of the competition in incredibly impressive style indeed!

Meanwhile, back In the pits (butts), Simon and Matt proved they had “hustle” taking part in a game of ‘quarters’ with some members of Team USA. Each participant draws the outline of a quarter coin on a target; the first outline to be struck by a shot is the winner. The stakes in this case being a signed dollar bill, which Simon had the fortune of winning from four members of Team USA, along with our very own Matt Button, and Simon Glen from Team Scotland.

Tomorrow is the last day of the teams matches in advance of the America Match on Friday. The wheels are in motion, the pressure is mounting and everyone is giving it their all. We’ll keep you in with the exclusive scoop very soon.

Day 9: Relentless in and out (of the pits)

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