Graham started shooting small-bore aged 11 at Stamford School, before progressing to fullbore and subsequent selection for the Athelings and then GBU25. As an undergraduate he (Along with 3 friends) re-founded the Newcastle University Rifle Club, it is a source of pride to see the club still going strong some 20 years later. A post university hiatus in competitive shooting was followed by an NRA tour in 2014, 4 National Caps for England in 5 years – both as a shooter and target coach – and GB tours to USA and Canada in 2016 and 2018.
Graham Is a member of Manchester and Newcastle Rifle clubs, and a member of council for the English XX club fulfilling the role of Hon. Membership Secretary – and he also manages the English Lions talent development squad.
Away from the ranges Graham is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Salford Royal Hospital with interests in major upper abdominal and intestinal failure surgery. He is married to Sophie (whose support and understanding he is very grateful for) and they have two wonderful* children – a 3 year old Charlie and 18 month old Annabelle. The decline in Graham’s golf handicap over the past 3 years is presumed to be a coincidence.
Graham is looking forward to touring with a fabulous bunch of team-mates, and to shooting again at Blomfontein, last visited some 17 years previously. It will be his first trip into Kenya. From memory the wine and the steak are excellent in S.A. and the wind changes quickly and often. Hopefully all of these things will provide lasting positive memories!
*most of the time.