In the early hours of the morning, we set off in our vehicles with an escort from the Kenyan Police where one particular bus indulged in sun-downers turned sun-uppers using their duty free. After a few hours, we arrived at our first destination, Aberdare Country Club, where we were greeted with a buffet breakfast and beautiful scenery. At 2km above sea level, the horizon stretches for miles and as the Sun came up, we couldn’t quite believe that after 2 years we had finally made it.

A very sleep deprived England Team slunk into their comfy beds for a few hours before enjoying another buffet meal. And then came the afternoons activities which involved lounging by the pool, massages and strolls along the river to see the wildlife. The only downside of all this being that we missed out on a day at this wonderful place due to the delayed departure.

With a scheduled check out time of 9:30 the next morning, the team were finally able to get a full night’s rest for the first time since we had met to pack at Bisley.

Day 3 – “Altitude Acclimatisation”