Ellie WebEllie first took up shooting with Glastonbury ACF in 2000. An instant convert to fullbore, she was lucky enough to visit Canada in 2002 with the cadet exchange program and was Athelings reserve in 2004. After taking a six year break from competitive shooting to qualify as a Chartered Accountant, Ellie returned to TR in 2010 and very much enjoyed touring the Channel Islands in 2012 with the NRA team, South Africa in 2013 with the English Twenty team and Canada & the USA with her first Great Britain team in 2016. Having very much picked up the touring bug, she is looking forward to shooting in the West Indies and making new friendships… along with trying some local rum! This is her first tour as a ‘Charlton’, having married fellow (Scottish) shooter, Matthew, last year. She is hoping that she can get her name on a few more trophies than Matt did when he toured the West Indies in 2013.


Away from work and shooting, skiing, whisky and gastronomy number among Ellie’s passions.


(Editor’s Note: Unfortunately Ellie is, at short notice, unable to tour. However, the brilliant news is that this is as she and Matt are expecting!* Ellie remains very much a part of the team in spirit, having continued with the onerous task of team treasurer, for which the tourists will no doubt be happy to smuggle back a bottle of “the good stuff” in thanks.)

* All bets are off as to which side of the border Charlton Jnr will opt to shoot for…