Jane first traveled to South Africa as a member of Robert Stafford’s GB team in 1993 and toured there again in 1998 and in 1999 for the Palma match. She was also a member of Steve Thomas’s very successful GB team last April and is very much looking forward to this her fifth visit to the ranges at Bloemfontein. In fact she is looking forward to another successful season, hopefully improving on her individual shooting after some near misses at Bisley last year (2nd in the Queen’s, 4th in the Grand). A previous winner and runner-up in the Grand Aggregate at Bisley, Jane has also won the Grand in South Africa. However, Jane particularly enjoys team shooting. She shoots and coaches regularly for Sussex and is the only British lady to have shot in all the ‘Big Five’ matches (the National, MacKinnon, Kolapore, Palma and Australia). Jane has toured previously to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the USA, West Indies and Zimbabwe.