Matthew started shooting in 1992 at the Royal Grammar School, Guildford. As an 11 year-old he watched the “Adj” giving speeches in morning assembly and, seeing that being captain of the school shooting team meant Derek was allowed to wear a rifle pin-badge on his school uniform, decided it was very cool and he wanted to join! Selection for the Athelings followed in 1997, and on that tour he realised he was less likely to drop his last if he was sitting behind a scope than if lying behind a rifle! His first trip to South Africa was his first GB Under-25 tour in 2000. Years of concentrating on coaching was starting to pay off, and led to more appearances with Surrey from 2004 and England from 2006. This is his first England tour. In 2007 Matthew received a late call up to the Palma Team, where he gained his first GB cap. He returned to South Africa last year, with Steven Thomas’ victorious GB team, and then joined the management of the England Commonwealth Games squad. Personal shooting highlights so far include most of 2007 and 2008, especially the Palma and Protea Matches themselves. Oh, and he got to wear that pin-badge!