12th August

The PQRA Chairman, Gale Stewart, kindly and generously came in to Quebec to guide us around on a walking tour of the City. We avoided the worst of the hills but managed to catch magnificent views of the St Lawrence River as we walked along the heights of Abraham, impressed by the task that Wolfe’s forces faced in taking the City in 1759.

Enough of the history, we had crepes for lunch – more fulfilling. Chocolate seems to be very popular here, as does Ice Cream. We tried that too, whilst other team members enjoyed the world going by over a couple of G&T’s.

A few adventurous members of the team conducted a reccy at a local National Park – “Parc National de la Jacques-Cartier” – searching for local wildlife and the “real” Canada.

Team meeting’s now seem to have moved to the swimming pool, where it seems we are all going zip wiring tomorrow at Parc de la Chute-Montmorency. Let us hope that our trip is more successful than Wolfe in July 1759.

The day was rounded off with a very pleasant (and good value) Thai meal just opposite our hotel.

Quebec City, a History
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