August 9th 2019

After our long day yesterday the team gathered for a fairly leisurely breakfast before packing up the buses again and setting off to Walmart.

Now it must be understood that a number of us had never visited such an establishment before. There was indeed much excitement and indeed a fair amount of “tuck” (not you Jeremy) was bought for the forthcoming journey to Quebec.

All five vehicles successfully found their way to the enormous Canadian Forces Base here. One bus arriving a mere hour later than the rest. We were warmly welcomed by our Quebecoise hosts and each presented with a memorial plaque to celebrate our visit here on their 150th anniversary.

Ammunition that Alain Marion had very kindly hauled up from Connaught was distributed, rifles unpacked from their boxes and assembled. Lucinda (Aldi) discovered that her range bag had kindly been unpacked from team kit and is languishing in the Surrey at this very moment.

For some of the team, this was their very first shoot in Canada. From 400x at 300 metre ICFRA targets. As the range only goes back to 600x, it is their version of “Long Range” and is challenging!

We even got to do some Butt marking. Well balanced targets, that, similar to every other range around the world, puts some of our equivalent offerings on Century at Bisley to shame.

Our accommodation is in rooms on the base here at Val Cartier, a quick change before a meal out and fairly early to bed before the 0600 reveille tomorrow.

On se calme le pompom!
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