Club Rules

Version approved at AGM 2023

1.  The Club shall be called the ‘English Twenty Club’, also known as ‘English XX Club’.

2.  The objects of the Club are to foster target shooting in the interests of National Defence, and in particular to organise the English team in any International match shot in the disciplines covered by the Club (see Bye-law 1).

3.  Membership

(a)  Membership is open only to those eligible to shoot for England under the rules for the time being in force for the National Challenge Trophy Match and who are subjects of The Sovereign.

(b)  A candidate for membership must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club and approved as specified in Bye-law 2.

(c)   Members shall be Life Members or Under 25 Members or Annual Members (see Bye-law 3).

(d)  New Members or Associates (as defined in Rule 6) shall not be admitted to membership or be entitled to any of the privileges of membership specified in Rule 5 unless not less than three days have elapsed from the date of their being proposed and seconded for membership under paragraph (b) of this Rule or elected under Rule 6(a).

(e)  Members, who subsequently become ineligible for membership under Rule 3(a) by adopting another nationality, may continue in membership and have the privileges given in Rule 5 (a), (b), (c) and (d).

4.  Subscriptions

(a)  Subscriptions shall be paid to the Club as specified in Bye-law 3.  Subscription rates are fixed by Council, provided the subscription is not increased by more than the increase in the retail price index since the subscription was last set.  If Council needs to impose a greater increase the new subscription must be agreed at a general meeting (see Rule 14).

(b)  Annual Members must pay their subscriptions each year before they take part in any event, decision-making procedure or meeting for Club members.  A member who is not active may pay the subscription at any time up to 31 August (the end of the financial year).  A member who fails to pay the subscription shall be removed from the list of members.  A lapsed member may apply to rejoin the Club by completing the current application forms.

5.  Privileges of Membership

The privileges of membership are:

(a)  to attend, speak and vote at any general meeting of the Club

(b)  to have access to the yearbook

(c)   to wear the Club blazer badge and tie

(d)  to compete for the Jewels in the District or Division (see Rule 11) in which registered

(e)  to shoot in any event organised by the Club for its members

(f)   to receive the support of the Club in any efforts that may be made to encourage target shooting for English shooters

(g)  to be considered for selection for the National, Mackinnon and Lawrence matches and for other England and English Twenty Club teams.

Annual Members shall not be entitled to any of the above privileges until they have paid their subscriptions for the current year.

6.  Schools and Cadet Units

Schools and Cadet Units may affiliate to the English Twenty Club.  The affiliation fee is fixed by Council and shall be paid as specified in Bye-law 3.

The privileges of affiliation are described in Bye-law 6.

7.  Associates

(a)  The Council shall have the power to elect as an Associate any person whose services to the Club or to target shooting in England have been of exceptional value.

(b)  Associates shall pay no subscription and shall have no vote at the Annual General Meeting.  They shall have the privileges given in Rule 5 except (d), (e) and (g).

8.  Council

(a)  The affairs of the Club shall be managed by and its assets vested in a Council consisting of a President, Past Presidents and Executive Vice-Presidents (see Rule 10) subject to (f) below, members as provided for in (b), (c) and (d) below, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer, who may be the same person.

(b)  Up to nine members shall be elected as stipulated in (e) and (g) below.

(c)   One member may be nominated by the UK Armed Forces, one member may be nominated by the Council for Cadet Rifle Shooting and one member may be nominated by the British Young Shooters Association. Nominations for these posts must be with the Honorary Secretary by the end of September each year.

(d)  The Captains of the England National and Mackinnon teams shall be ex-officio members of the Council for a period of one year from the announcement of their appointments.

The Representative of the District Superintendents Group (see Rule 11) shall be invited annually to be a voting member of the Council. Superintendents of Divisions (see Rule 11) with enough members to qualify for a bronze jewel as defined in Bye-law 7 shall be invited annually to be voting members of Council.

(e)  The President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and the nine members in (b) shall be elected for a period of three years. One third of the members in (b) above shall retire in rotation in each year, those willing being eligible for re-election at the AGM in accordance with (g) below. All persons covered by this rule must be paid up members of the Club.

(f)   If they intend to act in an executive capacity, the Past Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall declare this annually in writing to the Honorary Secretary within a period of 90 days after the Annual General Meeting. Executive Past Presidents or Executive Vice-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of Council. See also rule 10.

(g)  Any new candidate for election as President, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer, or for election to the Council may be proposed by the Council or must be nominated in writing by two members of the Club. All candidates for a particular post must be proposed and seconded 35 days before the AGM. Where there are two or more nominations for any of the positions of President, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer, or where in the case of the nine elected members in Rule 8(b) above there are more nominations than elected places to be filled on the Council, there shall be a ballot of members to determine the outcome. The Council shall determine the method of ballot and other aspects of the administration of the voting procedure not specified in Rule 8(h).

(h)  In the case of the President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, members of the Club shall be accorded one vote for each contested position, and the person polling the highest number of votes for each of the contested positions shall be elected. In the case of the elected members of Council, members of the Club shall be accorded such number of votes as there are available positions, not more than one of which may be given to any one candidate. A member may use none, or any number of their votes as they consider appropriate. The candidates polling the highest number of votes shall be elected. Only paid up members of the Club voting in accordance with Rule 8(g) shall be entitled to vote.

In the event of a tie for the post of President the Chairman of Council shall have a casting vote. In the event of a tie for any other post the President shall have a casting vote.

9.  Council Powers and Authorised Lease Signatories

(a)  The Council shall have power to:

(i)      Appoint a chairman of Council from amongst its members.

(ii)     Make, amend or cancel such Bye-laws or Regulations (subject to the Rules of the Club and provided that they are not contrary to or inconsistent with any of these Rules) as they may consider expedient for the proper working of the Club. Such Bye-laws, and Regulations shall be binding on all members until set aside by the votes of two-thirds of the members present a General Meeting.

(iii)     Appoint sub-committees for such purposes as they may consider desirable.

(iv)    Fill any vacancy occurring by death, resignation or otherwise between the Annual General Meetings.

(v)     Deal with any point not provided for in the Rules of the Club.

(vi)    Appoint the Captains of the England National, Mackinnon and other teams.

(vii)    Remove the name of any member from the list of members for any reason that they may consider sufficient. No member who shall be struck off under this Rule shall have any claim on the Club for any subscription or entrance fees paid.

(b)  Eight members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.

(c)   The day to day management of the Club shall be delegated to an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Chairman of Council, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer. They shall have the power to deal with such administrative matters as may be necessary for the smooth running of the Club within parameters set from time to time by Council, such as Police and Home Office matters, executing decisions taken by Council, maintaining relationships with other organisations, management reporting systems and so on (but this is not an exhaustive or exclusive list). The Executive Committee may co-opt other members of the Club as necessary to assist in fulfilling these tasks. The Executive Committee shall not have power to dispose of any assets of the Club or change the Rules of the Club.

10.  Vice-Presidents

The Club shall be entitled to elect at each Annual General Meeting Vice-Presidents from amongst its members in accordance with the provisions of Rule 8(g) who shall retire annually but be eligible for re-election. Vice-Presidents shall not be members of the Council unless they make the declaration specified in Rule 8(f) in which case they will be Executive Vice-Presidents.

11.  Districts and Divisions

(a)  In order to facilitate the organisation of the Club, England shall be divided into Districts, each District being placed under the supervision of a District Superintendent. In addition there shall be separate Divisions covering the whole Country and devoted entirely to the encouragement of specific disciplines as specified in Bye-law 1.

(b)  Each new District or Divisional Superintendent shall normally be elected at the first Council Meeting of each financial year and remain in position until he or she either resigns or a formal nomination is received by the Honorary Secretary. Should a vacancy arise or members of a District or Division wish to nominate a Superintendent then the procedures identified in Bye-Law 4 shall apply.

(c)   A meeting of the District and Divisional Superintendents shall be held during the Annual Bisley Meeting of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Any District and Divisional Superintendent unable to attend may nominate a deputy.

(d)  If a member wishes to transfer from one District or Division to another, such transfer may be accepted by a Superintendent provided that notice has been given to the Superintendents of both the original and new District or Division. In the case of an objection on the part of either Superintendent the case shall be referred to the Council. In one year a member may only shoot for one District in the KGV.

12.  Accounts

(a)  The Accounts of the Club shall be made up to 31 August in each year and shall be examined by an Independent Examiner elected at the previous Annual General Meeting.

(b)  The accounts shall be included in the yearbook and laid before the next Annual General Meeting.

13.  General Meetings

(a)  There shall be an Annual General Meeting. Members shall be advised of the location, date and time of this meeting at least 28 days beforehand by email to all members with registered email addresses and by a notice on the web site.

(b)  An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Honorary Secretary if Council decides that one is required or on the request of 20 paid up members of the Club. Members shall be advised of the location, date and time of any such meeting at least 28 days beforehand by email to all members with registered email addresses and by a notice on the web site.

(c)   Ten members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.

14.  In the event of the English Twenty Club for any reason ceasing to exist, the balance of its assets, after meeting all liabilities, shall be transferred to the National Rifle Association or any such other appropriate organisation as shall be decided by the then existing members of the Club.

15.  Alteration of Rules

(a)  These Rules shall not be altered except at a General Meeting, and then only by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members present.

(b)  Notice of a motion for an amendment of these Rules must be given to the Honorary Secretary in writing not less than 35 days prior to the General Meeting at which it will be considered.


1 – Shooting Disciplines
1. The Club supports the disciplines of TR, 300m, F Class and Gallery Rifle (GR). Service rifle shooters may join the Club in the appropriate TR district but currently there are no specific Club events for the service rifle.
2. In accordance with any restrictions currently in force the Club supports target shooting with pistols via the EPA Division.
Approved by Council 31 March 2016

2 – Approval of Membership
1. Applications for membership may be submitted either to the Membership Secretary direct, or through the District or Divisional Superintendents.
2. The Membership Secretary shall make any checks deemed appropriate prior to submission of the applications to the Hon Secretary for approval.
Approved by Council 30 October 2011

3 – Subscriptions
1. Life Members – a single payment of twenty times the annual subscription, reduced to ten times the annual subscription for those over 65, to be made direct to the Honorary Membership Secretary.
2. Annual Members – £15 a year, due on 1 January, to be paid to the Club by means of a standing order, bank transfer or via the District or Divisional Superintendent. Standing order forms are available on the web site. Contact the treasurer for details of payment by bank transfer.
3. For a single subscription of three times the current annual subscription, a person under the age of 25 is eligible to become an Under 25 Member until the end of the year in which the 25th birthday occurs, subject to the provisions for admission set out in Rule 3.
4. The affiliation fee for Schools and Cadet Units is twice the annual subscription for individual members.
Approved by Council 31 March 2016

4 – Election Procedure for District and Divisional Superintendents
1. A nomination may be made by any two members of the District or Division. Such nomination, duly signed, must be sent to the Honorary Secretary not later than 30 September. The current Superintendent may offer to continue without any nomination.
2. If there is more than one candidate there shall be a ballot of all members of the District or Division. The ballot may be postal or by electronic communication as considered appropriate by Council for the District or Division at the time. The procedure shall be determined by Council to achieve a result that can be published by 31 December.
3. If no new nomination is received before 30 September, the Council shall have power to re-appoint the Superintendent currently in office, or to appoint any other member of the District or Division to the office. If a Superintendent retires, and he nominates a successor, the Council may at their discretion accept this nomination without recourse to the members of the District or Division. However, if no such nomination is made and the members of the District or Division do not themselves nominate a successor, the Council shall fill the vacancy.
Approved by Council 30 October 2011

5 – Prize Winners
1. Members winning Club prizes are expected to receive them at the prize giving. Members shall be advised of the location, date and time of the prize giving by means of a notice on the board at the Club at least seven days beforehand.
2. All Club trophies must be returned to the Honorary Secretary at the English Twenty Club Spring Prize Meeting for engraving, and at the latest by the NRA Intercounties weekend (mid-June) if already engraved. If a trophy which has been accepted and signed for is not returned in the same condition as it was received the holder will be liable for the cost of any repair or cleaning required and will not be eligible to take away any trophies in the future. The Varley Trophy must not be polished.
Approved by Council 31 March 2016

6 – School and Cadet Unit Affiliations
1. Each affiliated school or cadet unit receives a bronze jewel and access to the English Twenty Club Yearbook.
2. The affiliation fee for Schools and Cadet Units is twice the annual subscription for individual members.
3. Their members of any nationality may make full use of the facilities provided in the clubhouse. Those attending Bisley Camp during the NRA meeting are urged to take the opportunity to meet club members from their home districts so that they may more easily continue shooting with local clubs when they leave their school or cadet unit.
4. However, after they leave, only those of English nationality are eligible to become members of the English Twenty Club.
Approved by Council 31 March 2016

7 – District and Division Jewels
1. In each district or division having eight members a bronze jewel is awarded; for each additional 12 members, a further jewel is awarded. If a district or division qualifies for more than one jewel, one is silver; if more than five, two are silver. For example, a District with a membership of 68 is entitled to two silver and four bronze jewels. In each district a further bronze jewel is awarded for young or novice shooters.
2. In each district entitled to at least two jewels, a further bronze jewel is awarded for young or novice shooters. This jewel is referred to as XB; it is exempt from the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 5. If this jewel is not presented in any year it must be returned to the Membership Secretary.
3. The number of jewels is determined by the membership in the preceding year (by the number of life members, plus the number of annual subscriptions received).
4. Only life members and members who have paid their subscriptions for the current year prior to their jewel shoot are eligible to take a jewel. They may only shoot for jewels in the district or division in which they are registered.
5. Those registered in a division in addition to a district may shoot for both sets of jewels, but may only win one jewel in any year. A member who, after the first of the two jewel shoots, qualifies for a jewel must elect whether to accept that jewel before the competition for the second.
6. Jewels should be shot for before 31 October each year, with conditions arranged locally. Wherever possible, the competition should be held on a range within the district.
7. Results must be returned to the Membership Secretary no later than 15 November.
Approved by Council 31 March 2016

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