This match is held only once every two years at Bisley with teams from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Germany invited to take part. It takes place at the end of the target rifle season, usually around mid October and consists of a team of 12 firing 2 sighters and 15 to count at 800, 900 and 1000 yards. The match is often Captained by the next years Mackinnon Captain and like the English XX vs RAF match, may be used as an opportunity to try out shooters and coaches who have the potential to be selected for the Mackinnon the following year.
The results of the match are published in the year book in each relevant year which can be found under the Members section. The results of the last three matches held in 2022, 2018 and 2016 can be found below. Covid restrictions meant no match was held in 2020.
The winning England team 2022
The Winning England Team 2018
(shot in demanding conditions!)

Further Information
2024 European Long Range results
2022 European Long Range Result
2022 European Long Range Individual results
2018 European Long Range results