Stephen Penrose, as Captain of the National Match for 2023, will be leading an English Twenty Club team to shoot against the RAF in a National Match course of fire on Saturday the 13th of May. This match is typically
Results of the Club Championship and Varley announced.

The results of the English Twenty Club Championship and Varley have been announced. A huge congratulations to Toby Raincock, winner of the Club Championship and to Parag Patel, winner of the Varley. As well as the two main prizes there
New wireless coaching headsets purchased!

Those of you following updates from the Lawrence and Mackinnon matches today will have seen the coaches making use of some exciting new kit. We are pleased to announce that the club, in partnership with our friends at the English
Lawrence Match Team Announced!

In the matter of the Lawrence Match on the morning of Wednesday the 16th of September, the following have been selected to represent England. Congratulations to all selected!
Mackinnon Team Announced!

In the matter of the Mackinnon Match on the afternoon of Wednesday 16th of September 2020, the following have been selected to represent England. Congratulations to all selected!
England Lawrence Team Long List Announced
The following have been selected for the England Lawrence team long list from which the final team will be chosen. The final team selection will be made on Tuesday afternoon upon the conclusion of The Times.
England Mackinnon Team Long List Announced
The following have been selected for the England Mackinon team long list from which the final team will be chosen. The final team selection will be made on Tuesday after the conclusion of the Lovell.
Lawrence & Mackinnon Match helpers needed!

The club is seeking helpers to assist England with the Lawrence and Mackinnon matches on Wednesday. Activities will include keeping the scoreboard, register keeping, setting up the flagpole. If you are available please let us know by messaging us on
Impact of latest COVID-19 restrictions on England and English Twenty Club events
As many will have seen, the government has seen fit to introduce tighter restrictions on social gatherings in order to curb the recent increase in cases of COVID-19. From Monday the 14th of September it will be illegal to meet
English Twenty Club ‘Spring ‘ Meeting report

Competition Secretary Martin Liversage reports from this years delayed spring meeting Postponed from the usual May bank holiday, the competition went ahead on 15th and 16th August. The new dates meant a change in format, in foregoing The Cortis, we