Nick is another product of Uppingham School having first shot under the captaincy of John Webster in 1974. Evidently the Captain has a long memory because Nick has been selected as Main Coach rather than a shooter in this team. During the 34 years that have elapsed since, Nick has been on 21 senior GB tours as well as the first England touring team in 1995. He has 7 Palma and 10 Australia match appearances as well as over 35 National, Mackinnon and Kolapore badges. He looks forward to his 4th visit to Raton and is determined to get a better understanding of the wind at long range.
After leaving school he studied Law at Manchester University and remains in the North West of England working as a Barrister. He became Queen’s Counsel in 1999 and was appointed as a part time Crown Court Judge in 2000. His work is mainly in the field of Personal Injuries, but he has conducted the defence of a client charged with murder at the Old Bailey leading another well known shooter, Danny Coleman (an experience in itself!).
Like the Team Captain he also enjoys collecting fine wine, but tends to drink it rather than admire the bottles. Due to diabetic retinopathy his deteriorating eyesight has forced him to use a telescope on his Swing Target Rifle to enable him to continue shooting and keep in touch with the wind. In effect, he shoots Match Rifle at short range and is determined not to become an F class shooter.