5th September 2008 A day spent on the road, so your correspondent must apologise for the paucity of exciting stories today! With a long drive ahead of us, we headed out early from Hotel Strater, in order to make it
Day 5 (Thursday) – The Grand Canyon to Durrango
4th September 2008 Thursday began early for Ed, John W and Jane who decided to go and watch the sunrise from Yaki point. They left the hotel at 5:30am and headed to the park. En route to the vantage point
Day 4 (Wednesday) – The Grand Canyon
3rd September 2008 The day dawned bright and early for some with half the team heading down to the canyon to watch the sunrise whilst perching on precarious ledges. The even more adventurous ones made a foray down into the
Day 3 (Tuesday) – Vegas to the Grand Canyon
2nd September 2008 The day started at a civilised hour, but for several members of the team it was a little too early after a late night of playing the tables. The early car set off with Dave D leading
Day 2 & 3 – The Captain’s Road Trip

The captain’s bus travelling to the Grand Canyon via Raton and Albuquerque had an early start on Tuesday leaving the hotel for another five hundred mile road trip. Monday’s trip had started at 6am with a stop off at Raton
Day 2 (Monday) – Las Vegas

1st September 2008 Our main day in Las Vegas started with a team meeting at 11am in the bar with martinis for some – a little strong for those of us who had had a late night. People were free
Day 1 (Sunday) – The Journey out to USA
30th – 31st August 2008 On Saturday, most of the team met up at the English XX clubhouse. The usual packing, re-packing and weighing ensued, and Baggage Master Stephen, a man of ample experience coped admirably with the task. In